Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s conference presentation attracted multiple Indian newspapers.

Awardees recognized in their own country’s press from around the world

The 12th Annual IWEC Foundation Conference was well represented in both local and international press. Speakers, attendees and awardees helped to spread the word throughout the world and honor our 2019 IWEC Foundation Awardees.

The conference, named ‘Connecting Women Businesses Globally: Leading the Way to Innovation and Integration’ was sponsored and hosted by FICCI-FLO at their Delhi India headquarters. FICCI-FLO is a long-time collaborator of IWEC and was a cofounder of the organization. The rest of the event sponsors included CaixaBank, Microsoft, IBM, IESE, SDI International Corp., Global Payments, and others.

This year’s conference welcomed Harjinder Kaur, president of FICCI-FLO and CEO of Comvision and Her Royal Highness Princess Noor Asem of Jordan (also an IWEC Board Member) as conference co-chairs, setting a high bar for attendees, and for the speakers who followed.   The panels and speakers provided insights into pivotal aspects of global business development, ranging from ‘How to do Business with India’; a panel discussion on the current business environment in India and the economic outlook around the world led by local industry leaders; IT and innovation trends relevant to the business community, leadership challenges, and IWEC partner services.

Nancy Ploeger, Executive Vice President of IWEC, said of this year’s event: “The 12th annual conference is a significant milestone for us because this year IWEC introduced two curated networking sessions between current and past awardees and local and global companies interested in expanding commerce to other regions and developing opportunities in India. Fostering connections and global business development are two of our most important pillars.”

A sampling of the press coverage/articles may be found here: