Congratulations to these two successful women business owners for this recognition by IWEC Partner, Make Trade Sweden!

Katja Lindvall, Vice President and Co-Founder, Moving Floor Gotland AB,

Katja’s background is in the farming industry.  She joined the company 10 years ago in its early stages.  The idea of Moving Floor is to keep farm animals on rotating floors in order to clean efficiently, prevent diseases and in the end secure food safety. Moving Floor is the first product to automatically clean the area where the animals lay. The company is an important component to the world’s food supply, assuring that in raising livestock there is less use of antibiotics, a 95% lowered ammonia emission and increased profitability for the farmers. Katja has initiated the Chinese market entry and is a crucial part of that team.

Peg Soderberg, CEO & Co-Founder, Moving Floor Gotland AB,

Peg is the owner, CEO and part of the founding family at Moving Floor.  She has been the CEO for the past 10 years and has brought the company from early R&D stages to full commercialization.  Moving Floor is automatic cleaning for animal pens. The system automatically cleans 15 times per day which increases hygiene, saves labor and improves production results. Peg has great entrepreneurial skills and has succeeded in commercializing the company’s innovation bringing it to over 100 farms.  In addition, the company has initiated collaboration with numerous universities and industry clusters.  Her background is in international business and also from the farming industry.

The company does business throughout Scandinavia and is working with universities in The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Japan, Russia and China.  They are focusing now on China as well as Brazil due to their large pig and dairy populations.

See video presentation on Moving Floor demonstration in China.

The awards will be presented during IWEC’s 2020 Annual Conference being held on November 9th & 10th virtually.  Join us to learn more about Sustainability in the New Decade, network and join us in honoring the full array of IWEC’s 2020 Awardees.