On the eve of IWEC’s 15th Annual Conference, Gaby talks about her experiences as a woman-owned business in Peru.

Photo caption:  Gabriela Fiorini, Punta Sal Restaurants, Peru

Wendy Lieber, CEO Content Bacon

IWEC Foundation interview of Carmen Castillo, CEO SDI International & IWEC Co-Chair interviewed by Wendy Lieber, 2022 IWEC Awardee & CEO Content Bacon.

They discuss the state of women entrepreneurs and the progress they have made while recognizing there is much more to do!

IWEC is celebrating its 15th Annual Conference next week, featuring educational content and honoring 41 successful women business owners from around the world.

About Gabriela Fiorini

Gabriela Fiorini serves as the President of the Board of Directors of the six restaurants Punta Sal, which are specialized in innovative Peruvian seafood cuisine. Punta Sal recently celebrated its 25th anniversary as one of the most important and renowned restaurants in Perú. In addition to the business, Mrs. Fiorini is a member of the Executive Committee and Director of the Lima Chamber of Commerce as well as President of its Committee of Tourism. She is also one of the members of The Executive Committee of the Lima Chamber of Commerce Commission of Social Responsibility and of the Commission of Woman´s Development.

About Wendy Lieber

Wendy Lieber is the entrepreneurial cofounder and CEO of ContentBacon, an inbound marketing resource that builds brands people know, like, trust, and buy from. Wendy has a passion for helping customers figure out and communicate their stories and their “whys” so that it resonates with target audiences. Content is her 2nd start-up. Prior to Bacon, she led her first company, Athena Marketing, a small boutique strategic marketing agency, for fourteen years. Her focus helps clients use marketing strategies to enhance the value of their business. Wendy is a member of Entrepreneur’s Organization and a Board of Trustee for Women in Distress.