New York, NY, May 2, 2016. In March 2016, the International Women’s Entrepreneurial Challenge (IWEC) launched its first-ever Global Ambassadors Program, a dynamic initiative that aims to expand connections for its constituents – businesswomen whose combined annual revenues are in excess of US$25 billion dollars per year – not only on a local, but on a worldwide level –  allowing them to form sustainable business liaisons with potential partners and approach new markets. IWEC has developed a global business network for successful women business owners with proven track records in revenue, employee base, trade and innovation, helping them gain and expand access into international markets. IWEC holds an annual conference where they recognize the work of outstanding women entrepreneurs through the IWEC Award.

IWEC created the Program to enable its Global Ambassadors to assist the organization by providing constant outreach to peers in their own countries, going beyond the annual conference.  The Global Ambassadors – true representatives of the organization’s goals and purpose – will offer mentorship and guidance, share in best practices, provide visibility to business opportunities, and engage businesswomen in their territories to encourage them to participate in the annual conference.

Furthermore, Global Ambassadors’ key focus areas will be to capture strategic data from past awardees for the organization’s business intelligence database, drive conference participation, attract qualified nominees for the IWEC Award, provide thought leadership to the organization’s monthly meetings, communicate their territories’ unique needs, serve as a cohesive point of contact for IWEC within their territories, and secure sponsors for the organization.

IWEC’s chamber partners select and nominate the Global Ambassadors, who are also past IWEC Awardees, and submit their profiles to the Steering Committee for review. The program names one Global Ambassador for each global region for a period of two years, renewable by the Global Ambassador and IWEC’s Steering Committee.  All Global Ambassadors report to IWEC’s Board of Directors.

As IWEC continues to grow in additional cities and countries, it will add Global Ambassadors on an annual basis.

The first generation of Global Ambassadors is:

Elisabeth Trallero, Managing Director, Congost Plastic, S.A., Spain

Carmen Castillo, President and CEO, SDI International Corp., USA

Harjinder Kaur, Managing Director/CEO, Comvision India, India

Donna Meredith, Managing Director, Keystone Corporate Positioning, Australia

Renee Keeble, Managing Director, SA Commercial, South Africa

Gabrielle Fiorini, CEO, Restaurante Punta Sal, Peru

Rushsar Pekcan, CEO, Karon, Turkey

Additional information about IWEC’s Global Ambassadors Program is available at:

More on IWEC at:

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