Maria is featured in the prestigious Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino in Washington, DC.
A message from Maria:
“A wonderful morning to all! I know it’s been a minute.
Life can go by extremely fast. Although life can be challenging with all that we all have been through lately, it is nevertheless ultimately beautiful.
As is the case, life is beautiful, when sharing the most amazing news, which is a tribute to our family and team:
I can’t believe it. When I heard this super news, the first person I called was my Mom (photographed here, as we gaze at our billboard).
Words cannot describe being associated with Dolores Huerta and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Life is truly beautiful, and I thank you all for your tremendous support and encouragement.
“On a beautiful June morning, the National Museum of the American Latino opened its first gallery and exhibit telling the story of the Latino community in the United States. The Molina Family Latino Gallery bills itself as a space to ensure Latinos are represented in museums nationwide throughout the year.”
“¡Present! A Latin American History is the inaugural exhibit and highlights significant moments, people, and events in Latin American and American history tracing the long history of community contributions, ranging from showcasing Indigenous communities in New Mexico who practice yet their culture to highlight community members breaking down barriers and building community, such as changemaker Dolores Huerta, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and business leader Maria Rios.”
Congratulations Maria! We are so proud of you!