Congratulations to IWEC Sponsor, Pattie Meyer for Creating Drop Collaborative!

Pattie Meyer is CEO of Edge City Design, one of IWEC’s sponsors. Edge City is a full design house offering a full range of services : video/ audio / print / web & marketing.

Pattie has also created Drop Collaborative, a farm and program which brings students to the farm to work and learn about sustainability, plants and animals.

In 2015, the Drop Collaborative (DC) was founded on the principle that landowners of even modest means could collaborate and strengthen their community by providing free usage of a portion of their land and combine resources with Educators.

Mission:  TEACH students to FARMING;  DONATE their HARVESTto the community; and MENTOR YOUTH in this process.

Established in June 2015, this groundbreaking model was successfully implemented by the collaboration of Unaka High School using a portion of the founder’s land in Elizabethton, TN. The Tennessee Department of Education has named the Drop Collaborative as one of the top 5 CTE (Career and Technical Education) Models for the State and presented at their annual conference in Nashville, TN.

Check out her promotional video and recent television news coverage!

Congratulations on all of your successes, Pattie!

And of course, check out her website to see if you can create a Drop Collaborative in your community!