Thank you to our partner, Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Serbia for nominating Mirjana!

Mirjana Markovic, CEO & Owner, Apotekarska Ustanova Galena Lab Beograd,

Mirjana started her career managing different drug wholesalers but in 2001, she and her family established the family pharmacy. At the same time she started a new business, establishing of the drug wholesale Inopharm d.o.o. which was completely dedicated to providing the necessary unregistered medicines for the Serbian market. She gained insight into the functioning of the global drug supply system and realized opportunities for sustainable growth.  Galena Lab has 3 pharmacies, a laboratory for the manufacturing of compounding drugs, a laboratory for the production of galenic drugs and a quality control laboratory for testing of raw materials and finished products.

Mirjana does business in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina. She wishes to launch and distribute products and services to the European Union markets.

We look forward to celebrating with you at our 2023 Annual Conference in Turin Italy Nov. 5-7th!